I am truly humbled and grateful for all the support, so proud to announce that we successfully raised $10,000 for the Sunrise Kids Orphange in Cambodia!! and its great to know that every dollar goes to where it is needed most, the kids!!!

The night consisted of a poker table, run by the very professional poker dealer – Matt. Along with the auction and raffle in which we had many components to raffle off including Sonos Play 1’s, Heos 7, B & W speakers, bottles of Penfolds Grange, donations from Two Italian Boys, Fit Bit watches, whale watching vouchers, Yamaha audio and a $3000 furniture voucher from MCM House.
Its been such a great year of business growth for Universal, merging from the Brisbane market, into Sydney, Melbourne and ACT and soon to be Perth & Adelaide.

Thanks again to all who were involved! The entire team at Universal are excited for another year of growth and to see whats going to happen for next years Christmas Party & Charity event!!!!